Police violence and activism lead the first official trailer for ‘The Hate U Give’

The trailer for the film adaptation of Angie Thomas’ novel The Hate U Give is here, and the film looks incredible.
Based on Thomas’ New York Times bestseller, inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, the film follows teenager Starr Carter who…

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‘Black Panther’ trailer wins top honor at the Golden Trailer Awards


“Wakanda forever” is right.

Marvel smash Black Panther took home $1.3 billion at the global box office, and the top prize at the Golden Trailer Awards.

The trailer titled “Crown,” won Best of Show on Thursday night at the 19th Annual Golden Trailer Awards at the Ace Hotel in Los Angeles. Since 1999, the GTAs have honored the top of the film trailer crop, from blockbusters to independent films, documentaries and everything in between.

“Crown,” created by Walt Disney Studios’ Create Advertising Group, gave us one of our most detailed looks into Wakanda and the Golden City, and offered up plenty of glimpses of T’Challa’s tech-fuelled Black Panther transformation. Read more…

More about Film, Movies, Trailer, Golden Trailer Awards, and Black Panther

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Muppets go R-rated in ‘The Happytime Murders’ trailer


Have you ever watched The Muppets and thought “This, but more murder?” 

If you have – and even if you haven’t – The Happytime Murders is here to scratch a very bizarre itch. Muppets are getting murdered, and those that are living have answers, and plenty of demons.

Melissa McCarthy plays Connie Edwards, a law enforcement officer asked to investigate the mysterious deaths of Hollywood puppet personalities, but she soon realizes that these are no coincidence – someone is targeting them. 

The trailer also features Joel McHale, Elizabeth Banks, Maya Rudolph, Leslie David Baker, and yeah, at the end there, muppet sex. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Video, Movies, Melissa Mccarthy, and Trailer

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Tensions are rising in ‘Dear White People’ Volume 2 trailer


“Is this a movement or a primal scream?” one character asks another in the trailer for Dear White People Vol. 2, between shots of a college campus taut with racial tension.

“Both,” she replies.

In the full trailer for Dear White People‘s second season, Winchester University is still dealing with the fallout from Season 1’s blackface party, student protests, and that time a student almost got shot. Sam (Logan Browning) is getting anonymous hate both online (which she can’t resist responding to) and in the form of vandalized bananas hanging outside her dorm room (not in an empowering way). She’s fired up and doesn’t care who knows it – but isn’t that who Sam is? Read more…

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Trailer, and Dear White People

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‘Fantastic Beasts 2’ teaser shares images from ‘Harry Potter’ book so you can cry

The first teaser for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is here and telling fans to get ready.
It’s quite a tease, not really giving anyone any clues or looks at the second Fantastic Beasts movie, but it does include a shot of the first …

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