Angelina Jolie speaks out about Hollywood sexual abuse in moving U.N. speech


Angelina Jolie further addressed the serious issue of sexual abuse in Hollywood during a speech at the U.N. Peacekeeping Defense Ministerial Conference.

Jolie, a Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, was in Vancouver on Wednesday to speak about gender-based violence around the world, a crucial issue she feels needs to be given greater attention. 

The actress, who was one of dozens of women to accuse producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, began her speech by acknowledging, “Sexual violence is everywhere — in the industry where I work, in business, in universities, in policies and politicians, in the military, and across the world.”  Read more…

More about Conversations, Celebrities, United Nations, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Assault

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Angelina Jolie addresses sexual assault in Hollywood during UN speech


Angelina Jolie was one of the many women in October to come forward accusing producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, and she’s not slowing down anytime soon when it comes to discussing misconduct in Hollywood 

On Wednesday, the actress and activist spoke in Vancouver at the U.N. Peacekeeping Defense Ministerial Conference and delivered stirring words about cracking down on sexual abuse in all industries. 

“Sexual violence is everywhere – in the industry where I work, in business, in universities, in politics, in the military, and across the world,” she said during her speech.  Read more…

More about United Nations, Sexual Assault, Angelina Jolie, Speech, and Culture

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Photo shows smiling Sen. Al Franken groping news anchor


News anchor and model Leeann Tweeden says Senator Al Franken kissed her without consent, and groped her while she was asleep during a 2006 United Service Organizations trip to put on performances for United States soldiers in the Middle East. 

Tweeden published her account on Thursday, and it includes a picture of Franken groping Tweeden after she fell asleep while wearing a helmet and flak vest.

I’ve decided it’s time to tell my story#MeToo

— Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) November 16, 2017

More about Newsy, Sexual Assault, Al Franken, Culture, and Politics

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London theatre receives 20 claims of inappropriate behaviour by Kevin Spacey

One of the first people to come forward to accuse Kevin Spacey of sexual harassment was Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos, who alleged the Hollywood star preyed on many young actors while he was artistic director of the London’s Old Vic theatre (2004 – 2…

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Stephen Colbert dissects Roy Moore’s sexual assault allegations with brutal wit


The Roy Moore sexual assault scandal reached new heights of creepiness after The New Yorker reported that the Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama was banned from a shopping mall in the 1980s, when he was an assistant district attorney.

Moore, who is now under fire from fellow Republicans and House Speaker Paul Ryan, was the main target of Stephen Colbert’s Late Show monologue. And boy, did he deliver. 

“Five women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct against them when they were teens, and now we’ve learned that in the ’80s, when he was an assistant district attorney, Moore was banned from an Alabama shopping mall for bothering teenage girls,” said Colbert.  Read more…

More about Sexual Assault, Stephen Colbert, Shopping Mall, Roy Moore, and Sexual Misconduct

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It’s 2017 but 2 white guys are opening a ramen restaurant called ‘Misohawni’


This is full on offensive, especially in light of what’s happening in Hollywood right now.

Two white guys in South Africa have launched a ramen restaurant, calling it “Misohawni.”

Located in Melville, a suburb in Johannesburg, the restaurant serves ramen, Korean BBQ, poke and izakaya dishes — basically an inauthentic mishmash of East Asian cuisines.

The restaurant’s owners, Ryan Vermaak and Fabio di Cosmo, are both from South Africa.

The restaurant appears to take its name from Full Metal Jacket, a Stanley Kubrick movie which follows American soldiers in the Vietnam war. Read more…

More about Racism, Sexual Assault, Sexism, Sexual Allegations, and Misohawni

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2 women file class-action lawsuit against Uber over sexual assault by drivers

Uber is facing a class-action lawsuit over sexual assaults by drivers.
The lawsuit, filed in the Northern District of California on Tuesday, is on behalf of women passengers who experienced “rape, sexual assault, physical violence or gender-motivated…

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#MeToo movement marches on Hollywood against sexual assault and harassment

Predatory behaviour, sexual assault, and harassment is being reported almost daily in Hollywood now, from the allegations against Harvey Weinstein to Louis C.K.’s admitted sexual misconduct.
Inspired by the #MeToo campaign supporting and empowering s…

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Ellen Page says she was harassed by Brett Ratner and other Hollywood men


Ellen Page is the latest actress to add her voice to the chorus of sexual harassment allegations against Brett Ratner, who directed Page in X-Men: The Last Stand when she was 18.

Page detailed her experience with Ratner — including alleged homophobic and sexist comments on set — in a powerful Facebook post Friday. 

Ratner has denied all allegations.

Page’s X-Men co-star, Anna Paquin, corroborated Page’s account on Twitter.

I was there when that comment was made. I stand with you .@EllenPage

— Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 10, 2017

In the Facebook post, Page also detailed her feelings of powerlessness after Ratner allegedly tried to pressure her into a wearing a “Team Ratner” shirt on set, writing that after publicly refusing him, she was later reprimanded by the film’s producers for talking back to the director — “yet he was not being punished nor fired for the blatantly homophobic and abusive behavior we all witnessed. I was an actor that no one knew. I was eighteen and had no tools to know how to handle the situation.” Read more…

More about Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Brett Ratner, X Men Franchise, and Ellen Page

View More Ellen Page says she was harassed by Brett Ratner and other Hollywood men